Quality at OMW
Quality is a key discipline at OMW. OMW is an AS9100, ISO 9001 registered company, with a strong culture of continuing improvement and solving problems at the source. Among other products, OMW builds flight-critical spacecraft and aircraft parts, and has passed rigorous internal audits by major aerospace clients, as well as annual surveillance audits by our own auditors. We have a large, professionally staffed and temperature-controlled QA department, and all our measurement equipment (including CMMs) are certified at regular intervals per our Quality Manual to standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland.
We take quality very seriously at OMW, and we take tremendous pride in our work. In the end, however, our true test of quality is the satisfaction of our customers and the success of our manufactured parts for their intended purpose.

Quality at OMW
An overview of OMW’s Quality System, which is also an excellent summary of a modern Quality Management System(QMS).